About Us


Success is not merely a destination; it's a journey marked by dedication, perseverance, and a
steadfast commitment to excellence. At Cenwood Telecom, we understand that true success is
not achieved by accident or in a flash. Success is the culmination of years of hard work,
resilience, and a willingness to navigate the challenges that come our way.

Over the past 20 years, our journey to success has taken us down many paths. We have
encountered obstacles, overcome hurdles, and celebrated milestones along the way. Despite the
challenges we have faced, we would not change a thing.

Our journey has been marked by growth, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, and we
are proud of how far we have come.


Mr. Guobin “Thomas” Wang is the more globally active of the Cenwood co-founders as he engages in partnerships and sourcing programs around the world on behalf of the company. Thomas learned German during his university years in Stuttgart, Germany and now resides in the US, where he manages Cenwood’s US entity.

Thomas enjoys focusing on sourcing and people management. His extensive knowledge of business administration along with his drive to be the biggest used mobile phone buyer & seller globally keeps him active seven days a week.


Shunyong “Little Black” Huang is the driving force behind Cenwood’s sales success. Little Black, as he is affectionately known by his colleagues in Greater China, got the nickname when he started buying and selling mobile phones in the streets of Shenzhen over two decades ago.

Today Little Black is based in Hong Kong where he manages Cenwood’s sales and overall business in Asia. Little Black attributes much of his success and ability to manage Cenwood’s large global sales network to personal relationships he has built up with customers over many years.

12 March 2024

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